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1,001 Signed the letter

1,001 organizations signed the letter urging CNN, The New York Times, and the moderators of the next debate to ask the candidates about the most important issue impacting our economic wellbeing, health, educational success, and so much more – affordable homes.


our Homes, our votes: 2020

Voter & Candidate
Engagement Toolkit

All of the most useful resources
on this site bundled into one document.





Policy recommendations to all candidates.

NLIHC 2019
Policy Priorities

Access NLIHC's 2019 policy priorities.

National Housing
Trust Fund

General  information on the national Housing Trust Fund.

Housing Trust Fund
Investments in one year

Get details on the various populations served with
 the national Housing Trust Fund 

Download (PDF)

Affordable Housing 

Learn how significant investments in infrastructure 
can help solve the affordable housing crisis.


Affordable Housiing Wins.Cover.png

Affordable Housing wins: Leveraging Lessons from 2018 housing ballot initiatives for future efforts

In 2018, advocates and voters confronted affordable rental housing shortages and skyrocketing rents by taking action at the voting booth — and the results have been encouraging.

Tenant Talk, Winter 2018

Affordable homes are built with ballots every bit as much as they are built with bricks and drywall. 

Download (PDF)

Tenant Talk, fall 2016

Voting Matters

Download (PDF)

Out of reach 2018

Out of Reach documents the gap between renters’ wages and the cost of rental housing. The report’s Housing Wage is the hourly wage a full-time worker must earn to afford a modest rental home without spending more than 30% of his or her income on housing costs.


the Gap

The Gap presents data on the affordable housing supply and housing cost burdens at the national, state, and metropolitan levels.

Engagement Tools

voter engagement tools

Tips for
Voter registration


Here are some tips for effective voter registration efforts.

Best Practices for registering 
Low-income renters

Here are some tips for overcoming common challenges in registration drives.

Partners & Resources for Voter Registration

Resources for voter registration.

Candidate engagement tools

Overview of
candidate engagement

Elections are a fantastic opportunity to get decision makers thinking about housing issues.

tips for
candidate visits

Candidates are allowed to visit your organization and/or any events being held by your organization.

Quick Tips for Successful Candidate Forums

Follow these simple steps for organizing successful candidate forums.

Sample Candidate Questionnaire

Candidate questionnaires serve two purposes.

Tips for Participating in a

Town Hall

Tips on candidate engagement in a

town hall.

State Resources

Iowa caucuses​ 

2019 Iowa 
Housing Profile

A one-page snapshot of the information advocates need to make the case for socially just housing policy.

Congressional Profile

The profile pulls from a variety of sources and illuminates several dimensions of housing affordability for renter households in each district, the surrounding area, and the state.

2019 New Hampshire 
Housing Profile

A one-page snapshot of the information advocates need to make the case for socially just housing policy.

New Hampshire 
Congressional Profile

The profile pulls from a variety of sources and illuminates several dimensions of housing affordability for renter households in each district, the surrounding area, and the state.


Our homes, Our votes, our new hampshire


Anchor: NH
Anchor Iowa
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