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You Don’t Need A Home to Vote!

Voter registration deadlines are just around the corner. Each state has a unique deadline, but in most states those deadlines are approaching fast. Advocates can play an important role in helping people who are homeless understand their rights—and register to vote. The National Coalition for the Homeless’s “You Don’t Need A Home to Vote” Voting Rights Campaign seeks to protect and promote the right of homeless people to vote.

The campaign offers information and materials on all aspects of a successful nonpartisan voter-engagement effort, including specific state-by-state information on the legal issues affecting the rights of people experiencing homelessness to vote. Their recently updated tool kit includes a table of homeless voter registration policies by state, including information about where sheltered and unsheltered residents are able to register to vote and about mailing-address requirements.

Low income and homeless individuals vote at significantly lower rates than people with higher incomes, but housing advocates can help low income and homeless individuals exercise their rights to vote this November and beyond.

Learn much more about engaging in nonpartisan voter registration and mobilization at NLIHC’s Our Homes, Our Votes website at:

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