Voting while experiencing homelessness
July 1 - Session 6
voting while experiencing homelessness
On this webinar, experts discussed strategies and best practices for registering, educating, and mobilizing voters experiencing homelessness. The saved chat can be found here and the transcript can be found here. The webinar recording and slideshow can be found below.
​Dr. Caitlin Krenn discussed the intersectional oppression that leads to the disenfranchisement of people experiencing homelessness and how voter suppression tactics affect people without permanent addresses. She shared her four-pronged model for civic empowerment of people experiencing sheltered homelessness, which includes strategies for engagement both during the election cycle and year-round. Ashley Heidenrich, project coordinator at Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness, offered guidance for finding your state’s eligibility criteria for registering and voting without a permanent address, tips for creating successful events where people feel comfortable and can engage in meaningful conversations about voting, and using candidate surveys to elevate housing as an election issue. Ken Williamson, program and policy analyst at the National Alliance to End Homelessness, shared about the Every One Votes campaign and its resources to support homeless service providers’ voter engagement activities.
The following resources were shared on the call:
MCAH candidate questionnaire:
MCAH voting website:
NAEH Every One Votes resources:
NLIHC statement on Grants Pass ruling:
Become a National Voter Registration Day partner:
NVRD event grant:
NVRD event grant for AANHPI/AIAN organizations:
Preview the full webinar series agenda and find archived webinars:
The next Our Homes, Our Votes webinar, “Transportation to the Polls,” will take place on Monday, July 15, at 2:30pm ET. Register for the webinar series here.