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Pilot Communities

To increase our partners’ capacity to engage low-income renters in every step of the electoral process, and to better understand the impact of nonpartisan voter engagement activities, Our Homes, Our Votes launched its 2024 Pilot Communities initiative. Pilot communities receive grant funding, technical assistance, and other resources to support nonpartisan voter registration, education, and mobilization activities conducted in partnership with subsidized housing providers. Data collection and evaluation from the Pilot Communities initiative will enable Our Homes, Our Votes to identify best practices in nonpartisan voter engagement and maximize the effectiveness of resources and recommendations for our network in future election cycles.  


The following five NLIHC State & Tribal Partners participated in the 2024 Pilot Communities initiative:







Georgia Advancing Communities Together (Georgia ACT)

Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH)

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Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania

Housing Network of Rhode Island

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Southern California ASsociation of Nonprofit Housing (SCANPH) 

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Georgia Advancing Communities Together, Inc. (Georgia ACT) is a statewide nonprofit membership organization focusing on affordable housing and community economic development, aiming for all Georgia families to have safe and decent housing in vibrant neighborhoods. As a pilot community partner, Georgia ACT works with NLIHC's nonpartisan Our Homes, Our Votes campaign to increase Georgia's turnout at the polls and bring up housing as an election issue in Georgia. In the 2024 election cycle, Georgia ACT strengthened cooperation with local organizations on voter Registration, voter education, Voter ID, and other activities, especially in the metro Atlanta area, and utilized resources provided by NLIHC to expand the impact of advocacy work and voter engagement work. 

The Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH) is the lead organization in Michigan advocating at the local, state, and federal level for effective policies and sufficient resources to ensure everyone in Michigan has a home. MCAH’s work with the Our Homes Our Votes Campaign aims to empower, educate, and register low-income, renter, and unhoused voters and to lift up affordable housing as a voting issue. In 2024, MCAH expanded its partnerships with housing providers, tenant and resident leaders, and shelter providers to host voter registration events and tenant town halls, and conducted housing position surveys with Michigan state candidates. 

The Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania is a statewide coalition working to provide leadership and a common voice for policies, practices, and resources to ensure that all Pennsylvanians, especially those with the lowest incomes, have access to safe, decent, and affordable homes. As a pilot community partner, the Housing Alliance partnered with forty organizations to promote voter participation among their constituents, staff, and local communities. The Housing Alliance supported partners in voter engagement and education activities through stipends, technical assistance, materials and resources, trainings, and more.

Housing Network of RI is the state’s membership association for nonprofit community development organizations working to create vibrant communities through affordable housing and economic development. Through its multisector coalition of advocates working to increase the supply of safe, health, affordable homes, Homes RI, and our Housing Network members, HNRI aims to boost voter turnout among low-income renters and highlight housing as a critical election issue in five Rhode Island communities: Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, Woonsocket, and Newport. In the 2024 election cycle, Homes RI provided renters with the tools and resources to educate and mobilize voters within their communities through activities including community outreach, rental development canvassing, and social media.

The Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing (SCANPH) is an advocacy organization committed to increasing access to safe, affordable, quality housing for Southern California's low income residents. To achieve long term housing justice and systems change, SCANPH not only engages in direct advocacy with local and state governments, but activates the residents currently living in affordable housing buildings via the Residents United Network (RUN). As a pilot community partner, SCANPH empowers current RUN leaders to engage and educate other low income residents this election cycle through a series of voter engagement efforts held at affordable housing properties; a tenant-led candidate questionnaire process and media speaking opportunities.

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