Session 5
Voter Registration Part 2 – Finding and registering residents of subsidized housing
Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 3:00PM ET
This session will discuss the best ways to make sure voter registration are finding the people who are not yet registered and focusing efforts in the right places. Key features of the discussion will include best practices for identifying targeted populations; working voter registration into day-to-day operations at service agencies, libraries, and community centers; accessing locked apartment buildings that are common in low-income areas. This session will be especially helpful for resident councils and associations eager to target new residents. We will also provide an overview of the mapping tools on NLIHC preservation database.
Content Outline:
Review of Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020
Voter registration and low income residents
Finding and targeting subsidized renters
Best practices
Upcoming topics for webinars and podcasts