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We Did IT!
Now we must keep the conversation going.
Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 sent a letter to the moderators urging them to ask all candidates about the most important issue impacting our economic well being, health, educational success, and so much more – affordable homes.
We succeeded! Now we must keep the conversation going. Click here to see if your organization has signed the letter.
Affordable homes are built with ballots
every bit as much as they are built with bricks and drywall.
Start planning your Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 campaign today.
the question we have been waiting for: Affordable housing
Here is what the presidential Candidates had to say

What the Candidates are Saying About Affordable Housing
Follow what the presidential candidates say on housing in Iowa and New Hampshire
voter & Candidate
Be Inspired. Be Engaged. Go Vote.
Read more
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