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Senator Booker
On affordable Housing


**No Longer a Presidential candidate as of 1/13/2020**



  • U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Cory Booker (D-NJ) released his plan to provide safe, affordable housing for all Americans. Learn more about the plan here


  • U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Cory Booker (D-NJ) released his plan to end childhood poverty in America. The plan includes fully funding the Housing Trust Fund to help eliminate childhood homelessness and expand access to child care. Learn more about the plan here

Key Markers|

  • Introduced “Housing, Opportunity, Mobility, and Equity (HOME) Act of 2019” which would provide a renters’ tax credit to help households cover the difference between the rent they pay and 30% of their incomes. The bill is slated to:

    • Provide a refundable tax credit to individuals who spend more than 30% of their incomes on rent.

    • Encourage inclusionary zoning to increase the supply of affordable housing and to reduce housing discrimination based on race and income




Booker releases plan to cut child poverty

White House hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) Thursday released a plan that he says would cut U.S. child poverty by over two-thirds. 



Why Cory Booker Is Focusing on Affordable Housing

A monthly tax credit for low-income renters and a “baby bond” program to help first-time homebuyers are part of the presidential hopeful’s list of proposals.


Cory Booker’s plan to fix the housing crisis and make renting affordable

Cory Booker’s new housing plan proposes tax credits for renters, federal incentives, and “baby bonds” as ways to make housing more affordable.


@CoryBooker says it just makes fiscal sense to make affording housing more accessible

"Ensuring people have access to affordable housing isn’t just a smart investment in our economy—it’s the right thing to do."


RGJ exclusive: Sen. Cory Booker's plan to ensure safe, affordable housing for everyone

Fifty years ago this month, a couple and their young family were looking to move into a neighborhood in New Jersey with great public schools, but real estate agents refused to sell them a home because of the color of their skin.


Cory Booker (D-NJ)

Cory Booker (D-NJ)

Cory Booker (D-NJ)
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Cory Booker on Housing Solutions

Cory Booker on Housing Solutions

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Booker on Veterans

Booker on Veterans

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Booker on Veterans

Booker on Veterans

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Senator Cory Booker on Affordable Housing

New Hampshire - Hampton Democrats Community Picnic

Length: 1:40

Senator Cory Booker on Veterans' Housing (part 1)

NAACP Presidential Candidates Forum

Length: 1:40

Senator Cory Booker on Veterans' Housing (part 2)

NAACP Presidential Candidates Forum

Length: 1:37

Senator Cory Booker Cites NLIHC's Out of Reach data
Netroots Nation | August 5, 2018

Length: 17 seconds

Senator Cory Booker on building a country where no one is forgotten or left behind

Campaign Video

Length: 7 seconds

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