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Local and State Ballot Initiatives Aim to Address Housing Affordability

Citizens in states and localities grappling with affordable housing issues are seeking policy solutions in the voting booths on November 6. NLIHC’s Our Homes, Our Votes initiative is tracking ballot measures across the country that would have a significant impact on affordable housing and tenant protections. Our new Ballot Tracker provides a summary of the measures voters will see on their ballots.

Ballot initiatives provide a way for citizens to achieve new state and local policies and to secure new sources of funding to address their need for affordable housing. In addition to providing new resources for affordable housing, there are ballot initiatives to increase tenant protections, remove zoning and other barriers to building affordable housing, implement rent control, overturn bans on multifamily housing developments, and provide incentives for building or subsidizing affordable housing.

NLIHC’s Ballot Tracker will be updated after the election with the voting results on these initiatives and other information for advocates as they plan for future affordable housing ballot strategies.

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